Best Annie Wilkes Quotes from Castle Rock and Misery
BY Shannon Entin
Published 5 years ago

Season 2 of Castle Rock just wrapped up on Hulu and to say I loved it would be an understatement! Not only was the story fantastic, the acting was perfection. And a lot of that perfection came from Lizzy Caplan playing young Annie Wilkes.
This season, Castle Rock explores the back story of Annie Wilkes, Stephen King’s iconic character from his book and movie, Misery. Kathy Bates’ version of Annie gave us several quotable lines, and Lizzy Caplan gives us even more sanity-busting Annie Wilkes quotes.

Young Annie Wilkes Quotes
“If you can’t see how that dirty bird’s been looking at us, I haven’t taught you anything.”
“People in places like this’ll tell you the trash on the highway shoulder is all there is and you should chase after that trash as it blows in the filthy wind and they will try to make you one of them. They’ll say, “Oh there’s no such thing as standards anymore,” and they will call that freedom. But it’s their freedom to make you trash. Their trash, so they can use you, and own you, and throw you away and I won’t let them! It’ll be blood on Christmas before I let them, Joy. I’ll throw my blamed body between you and anybody!”
“When the person that loves you most and best in this filthy world asks you to trust them then you listen to that person, Joy!”
Joy: “They’re all just monsters out to get us, right?”
Annie: “You’re fudging right they are!”
“I’m not normal, Joy. There’s a whole lot wrong with me and very little right. But the thing that keeps me on the right side of the double yellow line is knowing how to love one thing. And that’s you.
Pop: “How’d you get out?”
Annie: “I killed some people.”
Pop: “How’d you get all the way over here?”
Annie: “I killed some more people.”

“All of this is down to your blood! Your cock-a-doodie nephew!”
“But I have put down quite a few of your brothers and sisters tonight, so maybe that carries some weight.”
“What I can’t get my kadooza around is why they’re still keeping you alive. Maybe they’re still living in a world where reasonable people can come to an arrangement. I would love that. I’m as reasonable as they come.”
Annie Wilkes Quotes from Misery
It wouldn’t be an Annie Wilkes quote post if we didn’t also include some from the movie Misery starring Kathy Bates.
“I thought you were good, Paul. But you’re not good. You’re just another lying ol’ dirty birdy.”
“He didn’t get out of the COCKADOODIE CAR!”
“I know that, Mr. Man!”

“What do you think I say when I go to the feed store in town? ‘Oh, now Wally, give me a bag of that effing pig feed, and ten pounds of that b*tchly cow corn!’ And in the bank, do I tell Mrs. Bollins, ‘Oh, here’s one big b*stard of a check?’ “
“MISERY IS ALIVE, MISERY IS ALIVE! Oh, this whole house is going to be full of romance! Oooh, I am going to put on my Liberace records!”
“I have this gun. Sometimes I think about using it. I’d better go now. I might put bullets in it.”
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